Fulfillment Revealed Part 6 #Does Revelation fulfill here too?

 The Shincheonji Fulfillment Revealed Part 6.

Koo In-hoe left the Tabernacle Temple in 1976 and he founded the Second Advent Jesus Church which has 12 tribes and an accurately recorded fulfillment of Revelation. He also claimed to be the savior. Then who is the true savior?

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The Shincheonji Fulfillment Revealed Part 6

Shincheonji, members! Does Revelation fulfills here too? – Koo In-hoe's Second Advent Jesus Church

Hello, this is the ex Shincheonji member.

Today, I am going to talk about one person who is not familiar to Shincheonji members but has connection between Yoo Jae-yeol and Lee Man-hee.

It's Koo In-hoe.

Koo In-hoe left the Tabernacle Temple before Lee Man-hee left the Tabernacle Temple and founded Shincheonji the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony! Let's find out who he is.

If you search for the history of heresies, you can check the entire content of it. Today on Shintal TV, you can see the part related to today's topic.

First there was Park Tae-sun, and then the Tabernacle Temple of Yoo Jae-yeol which derived from Ho-saeng Prayer House, which came from the Olive Tree Movement.

And there are many cults that inherited the doctrine from the Tabernacle Temple. One of them is Shincheonji, whose chairman is Lee Man-hee. Another one is today's topic, Koo In-hoe's Second Advent Jesus Church.

Today, I'd like to talk about Koo In-hoe.

To be exact, let's talk about the Second Advent Jesus Church he founded.

Koo In-hoe was born in 1942 and died in 1976.

He claimed that Yoo Jae-yeol and Park Tae-sun are the two olive trees mentioned in the bible.

And he claimed himself to be the second coming of Jesus.

You may have heard this from time to time in Sincheonji when they explain about Koo In-hoe.

Some people in Shincheonji say Koo In-hoe joined Sincheonji and then left. Others say Koo In-hoe copied Sincheonji.

After the death of Koo In-hoe, who claimed to be the Second Coming of Jesus, on his memorial written:

"He was the one who received the revelation from heaven. He first joined the Olive Tree Movement at the age of 27 and received the revelation from God, joined Gwacheon Tabernacle Temple of the seven angels. After that, he received the deity of God and Jesus, he opened the book and seven seals, discovered and interpreted the pairs in the 66 books of the Bible, and said heaven will be completed here in Korea, and only through him people can achieve salvation."

If I didn't mention this explanation is about Koo In-hoe, wouldn't it sound familiar? 

Now, let's take a look at Koo In-hoe's doctrine through his words.

This church is founded by Koo In-hoe, the Second Advent Jesus Church.

Who is the Second Coming of Jesus? It's Koo In-hoe.

There is an explanation of Matthew 26:64, about the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven;

the spirit of Jesus coming to a flesh at the Second Coming.

He said the Holy Spirit of the counselor/advocate came to him. Let's look at the evidence.

In this publication of the Second Advent Jesus Church, the Counselor Holy Spirit tells about Jesus coming to the Republic of Korea at the Second Coming, so one must believe this Second Coming Jesus to have eternal life, and war on this earth will cease by spreading the words of Second Advent Jesus Church.

Here is also written that the Counselor is the Second Coming of Jesus.

In addition, when talking about the judgement, it says the kings of the world, the pastors, will be judged. This interpretation is very similar to Shincheonji's.

Whoever the real Counselor is, it seems both of them received the same revelation. 

Shincheonji claims there is a Counselor-Holy Spirit, and then there is a counselor in flesh who is with the Counselor-Holy Spirit.

And that's why Shincheonji claims Lee Man-hee is not the Second Coming of Jesus, but he is the one who overcame and received the Holy Spirit of the Counselor.

Of course at this point the teachings of the Second Advent Jesus Church and Shincheonji are different, but I think the contents about the Second Coming are similar.

Dear Shincheonji members, instead of thinking that it can't be the same if there's even one single difference, please watch until the end and think about it.

I was surprised to read this.

Because I felt like I was reading the Shincheonji doctrine.

Chairman Lee Man-hee doesn't testify himself as Second Coming of Jesus, but except that, the doctrine of the Counselor is almost identical.

2000 years ago, Jesus told his disciples; when the Holy Spirit of the Counselor comes, he will tell plainly about the Father which Jesus spoke figuratively.

It says the Holy Spirit of the Counselor comes to Korea, to my flesh, and explains the secret meaning of parables and gives eternal life.

How unprecedented word it is, this word has been around since before 1976.

Koo In-hoe, the one who only speaks what he hears from the Holy Spirit, speaks the truth about the future, and even hears God.

Chairman Lee Man-hee, too, always writes in Shincheonji's books that he only testifies what he saw and heard under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

You must consider if it was really under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If what he saw and heard is not consistent with the facts in many parts, you have to consider whether this fulfillment is true or not.

Also, it says Mount Zion is the Second Advent Jesus Church and this church only has the Word.

In the end, there will be no war. World peace is near.

Here's also a place that wants world peace.

Doesn't it sound familiar?

Now we are going to talk about the Book of Revelation.

Just like non-SCJ members can't understand Shincheonji doctrine well, I couldn't fully understand the doctrine of the Second Advent Jesus Church, so I will briefly explain.

What was interesting to see here was that Koo In-hoe's Second Advent Jesus Church also had specific fulfillment, just like Shincheonji.

I brought an example.

In Revelation 2:2 it is said, "you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false."

They teach this word is already fulfilled in January 30, 1976, by lunar calendar, that the Second Coming Jesus died and his death at a young age was also prophesized in Revelation 5:6, the Lamb looking as if it had been slained.

Andrew who left the church on March, 1976, joined again in May and acted as if he was an apostle but was found to be false. Judas who also left the church on July 15, 1976, and came back the next January was also found to be false by a prophet of the Masan Branch. These are the fulfillments of the Book of Revelation.

Sincheonji says that the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation can only be found in Shincheonji. However, even in the Second Advent Jesus Church, there were lots of fulfillments being accurately recorded, even the dates written precisely.

Also, Second Advent Jesus Church has the exact date of the death of Second Coming Jesus, Koo In-hoe, who died according to words in the bible.

What's really surprising is that Koo In-hoe received the same revelation as Chairman Lee Man-hee: he also described the founders of the Tabernacle Temple, the seven angels, as the seven stars in the right hand of Jesus and he also said their history is Satan's history.

According to this doctrine, the seven stars foretold in the Book of Revelation were the seven angels of the Gwacheon temple, and Koo In-hoe is the fulfillment of Revelation, Second Coming Jesus and save the world. 

And here I wonder.

How do these two men know the real entities who appeared according to the Book of Revelation?

If those 7 angels were real, then the should be only one who received the revelation by the Holy Spirit and knows the truth, right? 

But both Shincheonji and the Second Advent Jesus Church know about this.

Do you still think Koo In-hoe's fulfillment is wrong because it is a lie made up to fit the Book of Revelation?

Do you still think that the dates, people, and contents of the fulfillment can change over time to fit the Bible and Revelation because the promised pastor can have a late-realization?

There are so many people who claim to be the savior. Then who is the real one?

If person becomes a leader of a religion, that religion is considered as a cult. Do you still think Shincheonji is not a cult since the leader of Shincheonji is Jesus? 

Shincheonji believers, Shincheonji claims to be the only one having the fulfillment, but the Second Advent Jesus Church also has the fulfillment.

Sincheonji claims that the 12 tribes only are in Shincheonji, but the Second Advent Jesus Church also had 12 tribes. 

Shincheonji’s explanation of the parables is very similar to that of Koo In-hoe.

The doctrine too.

You can find out more information about Koo In-hoe on Blue Sky 2's blog.

There's lots of information, so please go and check it out.

This is what they say when they try to persuade people not to leave Shincheonji:

"Shincheonji is the only place where the Bible is fulfilled."

I'm not saying Koo In-hoe's fulfillment is right.

But through today's topic you can get to know one thing:

not only Sincheonji but also others claim that the Bible is fulfilled in their places.

Now at this point, you must think whether you can trust everything what Sincheonji says or not.

You have to check every word of what Shincheonji says, one by one, to make sure it's true.

Everyone, you can think and judge by yourselves.

The thought that the place I chose has to be right, no matter how people say this place is wrong, the pledge I made for myself that I will only follow the words, the truthful feeling I felt while listening to Chairman's appeal and sorrow… I felt all these things while I was in Shincheonji. 

It's not that people leave Shincheonji because they are seduced by Satan. They are leaving Shincheonji because they realized what they believed was wrong. 

Everyone, please check the facts.