Healing the internet
Hi, I've left a few comments on the r/ShincheonjiTV sub and I noticed some were removed, well not completely as you can still see a post has comments, but most comments are invisible.
I painstakingly created a long post about censorship and how they condemned it over on this sub, but they're doing exactly that and far worse. They're trying to completely control the narrative over on that side. They would leave a long reply to someone's well thought out comment and only leave the scjTV reply visible. If a ShincheonjiTV member asked a question in a reply and someone did answer, you probably wouldn't see it as it quickly gets hidden making Shincheonji always come on top.
That's really messed up.
Seems, I can't say anything about looking at Shincheonji from a secular perspective... I really don't know how they define spam.
Hello there,
You have been banned for attempting to spam and post about secular matters rather than to main topic, Shincheonji.
You can call this censorship, but to be honest there wasn't much to censor. It was simply spam.
If you are willing to have a civil discussion, you may message me another day and be welcomed back to the subreddit.
In the meantime, please enjoy you stay in your personal echo chamber.
#I find it ironic that they called this sub an echo-chamber.
This sub has alot more freedom to express different views; as long as it is done respectfully and reasonably.
However i saw people asking legitimate questions on scjTV, well thought out and respectful, that would get deleted. I saw only two replies but even those were ultimately hidden.
Their position is really weak if they are calling this an echo chamber, but in reality they are enforcing it themselves on their own sub.
#Seems I broke that sub, it's now closed and is invite only at r/NHNE_TV
I honestly don't know what sort of comments they were expecting when starting the sub.
#lol yah I was told mine was viewed as spam. I mean technically after 4th post..it could be considered spam..but not sure why my first post was deleted and considered spam?
It's just so interesting how when the mods respond to me, they are so careful to answer my questions so they don't admit who they actually are. For example, when I asked if Shincheonji believed that the end times are present, the mod would never give me a simple yes or no answer. He/she would dodge the question and at the very closest, the mod mentioned that there is a reason why people call us a doomsday cult....but would never directly say yes or no.
#The censorship is unreal. I posted several times on their subreddit only to have it either swiftly removed or not even responded to. I was even banned as a result of 'spreading false' information when all I did was post official news from BBC or Yonhap News Agency and exposed the fake news sites created by SCJ.
#Y'know one thing I realised is that all the SCJ produced media isn't really made for the general public, but it's targeted to the students in center who may have pre-maturely found out their bible study was SCJ and gone on an internet search. Before all they would find is negative media about SCJ, so SCJ wanted to "heal the internet" with their propaganda. So if a student is on the fence, they will watch some bad, and some propaganda that keeps on saying "I was an atheist but I couldn't find anything wrong with the bible study so I stayed!" Combined with a bunch of fake comments that seem sympathetic for the "unfairness of how Scj is being treated!" "I heard this was cult but this video make me feel like it is not!". I can't say the general public would actually see through all this shit, but as a former student in center, I was bamboozled by some of the propaganda myself, and I can say it does a toll on students who jump on the fence when they find out themselves that theyre in SCJ.
Also, when the 100,000 graduation happend last year, I found it funny that my leaders would say "we're on the news!" only to find out the news sources were all from sites and news channels made by SCJ.
#There was a time where I thought I found a secret and tried to confirm that it was the truth. I’ve looked and after hours later I’ve found myself trying make excuses to why scj was right. Having them “heal the internet” and with their own ideologies concerns me. Muting people of their opinions, making their own subreddits, youtube channel, where we go they follow. Their centres and tactics is like training to manipulate other people to only see what they want.
#based on observations, their censorship is way more than this reddit group lol I mean I have been in the group for over half a year, i've only seen 2 (maybe 3 ppl) blocked for obvious legitimate reasons. As for them, it's basically as you have said, controlling the narrative. I have had multiple comments and posts taken down and was even banned, but pitied my way out of it lol. All the comments on their youtube channels are manufactured to address the common doubts that people have about Shincheonji by providing a one-sided opinion. One-sided opinions are relatively common on youtube, but when a majority of them are generally supporting the same side and it's based on a lot of experiential testimonies, even a judge in a court would find things a bit fishy.
Though in terms of how many legit Shincheonji members are in that subreddit vs the number of seemingly fake accounts, that is...idk. So I would think there is more discussion between members of this subreddit vs the mods on that subreddit than any other discussion on that subreddit haha
See all the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/ike5dc/shincheonjitv_and_censorship/