Control over the new members, Prospect Care Forms

 It's really true that membes of scj have a chat to share personal information of new members in order to control them. How this chat works?

#Yes. In short, a telegram group (or equivalent) is created for each new recruit.

Who is in the group?
Your class instructor, your advisor, homeroom teacher, your early bible study teacher, your study buddies, and anyone who is related.

What is shared?
Your basic information: DOB, address, previous church, relationship/martial status, uni/work, personality trait. Your reaction before, during and after each class and meeting. Things happened in your life: past, present and future e.g. preparing uni assignments this week, your future holiday plan.
Most importantly, your thoughts and reaction to cult or SCJ (I will explain later)

For how long?
As long as you're in the centre, 'your' telegram group is active. If you made into the church, your leaders will take over this chatroom or have your information.

How this information is gathered?
Anything you shared with your study buddies, conversation you had with your teachers, things you wrote on the reflection notebook. They are diligently noted down for you.

Why is the group created?
In short, to keep you inside SCJ. Teachers will know your understanding of the content and decide whether they need to have individual catch ups/revision/rebukings. If you have coming plans which interfere with the classes, they will try to persuade you to cancel your plans. If you find out they are SCJ before 'appointed time', or worry about the cultic practice, they will put in all efforts, through teacher, study buddies etc, restoring your faith in SCJ.
If you are a SCJ member, the information will show your performance in completing SCJ education, activities, any current struggle with family, work, study, relationships etc, In essence preventing you from leaving and help you becoming an active member.

So Mind control?
These information can reveal about your personalities, weaknesses, desires, influences of your family and close ones, as a result, people can exploit you with them, if they like.

Disclaimer: this practice may be different in different regions.

#PCFs are Prospect Care Forms. They are documents that recruiters need to fill out for anyone who is taking BB and ultimately center. It asks for the same information timelyslip commented is shared on group chats. The documents are then sent to headquarters so that the person "is registered" to the classes. In these forms, recruiters are encouraged to adopt a "concept" /identity which they say is to build trust with the prospect--like I was told the 2 people who gave me BB were students at my university (this was the concept they adopted) and later on I found out that they never were students at my uni.

Prospects don't know they are being written on. I found out about the PCFs after taking center, when we had a class on recruitment

#The chats on newer members help the leaders to have an idea on how to manipulate the new member to work harder in scj—what are their weakness, who are their close friends, what do they like, what do they not like. What’s their personality type? Are they humble or prideful? How’s living/family/friendship/relationship situation?

Most of the times, leaders use older members in the cell group to find the information by having them spend time with the newer member during kwalee (maintenance through hanging out) or going out to evangelize with them. It seems really nice and fun to hang out or evangelize with the members but I don’t want a private investigator hanging out with me. If you want to know something about me, then spend time with me and make an effort to get to know me better—not only when it’s convenient for you because you have to report to the secretaries or the department leaders.

#Same here. My sister is a maintainer in the SCJ study group at our university and after teaching, she would always be in a zoom call with more evangelists as well as their instructor. My sister lists down everything that her students told her (what the students thought of the lesson, etc.) and she would tell the rest of the people in the call what she listed. It allows the evangelists to change their tactics for each student so they can convince those students to stay in the Bible study, especially if the students' faith in the "sealed" Word is not strong.

#From what I know they use telegram and create a chat as soon as they meet the person for the second time. There chat gets up graded as they enter center. And then there is a new chat created once they become a new member. Everything is communicated on these chats. The members are usually not aware this is even occurring until when they become a cell leader, work in center, introduce someone, or assist with BB (1:1).

#I second this. Spot on. Everyone ranging from your sickle (person who found you), leaf/maintainer, BB teacher, evangelist(JDSN), and Instructor(GSN) all have information on you from the moment you are found.

For my region information like this would be used to create/match similar fruits/fish with members who have similar personalities, traits, living conditions, etc.